Since I’ve gotten sick, I have met more and more people who are facing many of the same battles I am. But a lot of them are facing them (or trying to) alone. Sometimes it’s because they don’t know many people, or people have slowly chosen to dissapear from their lives, whether consciously or not. Other times it’s because people have had to move and aren’t well enough to get very involved in their new community. Other times they are simply too sick to go anywhere to be with other people (to which the internet and phones I highly recommend). But other people have chosen to isolate themselves. They have people who are seeking to be there for them, but that they hide from (however politely).
Yes, there can be all sorts of logical and fair reasons for this, but other times… it simply isn’t healthy. God did not create us to be alone. No man is an island! It’s okay, and even desperately needed to let people in. Yes, humans have many failures, and they disappoint. Yes, they may not understand everything exactly. Yes, you may find it hard to connect. But please, you don’t have to be alone. I can confirm from my own experience that people do exist who are the most amazing supporters. That don’t leave. That do understand (I’ve even found many who aren’t sick themselves that understand and are amazing supporters). Yes, they may be hard to find, and God has us each in a different situation. Sometimes, people simply won’t be there, and maybe God is teaching us to rely completely on Him. But it’s also NOT HEALTHY to push people away and try to do this on our own. That’s not the way God created things to be (Genesis 2:18).
Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. -Ecc 4:9-12 (NIV)
Consider the following:
- Am I pushing people away?
- If so, for what reason?
- Pray that God would provide you with the supporters you need, and that He would protect and guide you, and that most of all, He would help you to rely on Him.
Note: Recently school has started, and Doctor appointments are frequent and time-consuming, among other things. I also would like more time and mental energy to work on my book for you all! 🙂 Therefore, I have decided to decrease my posting frequency on this blog to once a week (from twice a week). That’s all! Thank you for understanding. 🙂 Your sister in Christ, Sara
All people, even those with illnesses, need other people. Thanks for this reminder, Sara! 🙂