You guys, you guys, guess what?!?!?!?!?!?!?


The first draft is done! The first draft of my book He’s Making Diamonds: A Teen’s Thoughts on Faith Through Chronic Illness is done! *confetti and magically AIP ice cream for everyone*

When I finished the last chapter I had no idea what to feel to be honest. I was much calmer than I’d expected. 🙂 I suspect that it just hasn’t sunk in yet. Besides, there’s a whole lot more work to do before I can share it with you….

Things like editing, a book cover, more editing, beta readers, more editing, a foreword, more editing, and book marketing to name a few. However, apparently, I’m supposed to wait atleast a month before I can begin editing?

Yeah, I thought so too.

Something about resting and taking a step back so that I can actually see the typos and rough patches. (Actually, despite my original hesitance, I’m learning to fully sink into this period of rest. I didn’t realize how much I needed it, but it’s amazing both for me, and I’m guessing, for my book later. I want it to be the best it can be for you when you read it.)

For your enjoyment, here are some quote pictures that my awesome Alpha readers made:

image   image (1)

Note: Those may or may not be in the book when it is published, we’ll see what happens with editing. But for now, they are. 🙂 Also, I only just realized that those are both from chapter three I think… made by two different people. But hey! It’s one of my favorite chapters if I do say so myself. 🙂

To get more inside information and to get more regular book updates (though I’ll continue to update you from time to time here), you can sign up for my book update email list:

Blog Announcement:

While we’re waiting for the next step with He’s Making Diamonds though, I do have something exciting to share! Begining next week, R535 is going to be hosting a blog series titled ‘What 5 Christian Teens Have Learned Through Thier Long-Term Illness’. Sounds fun? I think so! All of the ladies signed up to be a part of that are really awesome. 🙂 I think you’ll be encouraged by what they have to say. I know that they are very encouraging to me personally.
