Usually, this blog focuses on two types of posts: uplifting ones about faith-related things, or practical ones about chronic illness related tips. Confession? Today’s post isn’t going to be either of those things really. Nope. It’s simply just for fun. And hopefully, it makes you laugh (or at least smile 🙂 ).

After all, a cheerful heart is good medicine, right?

(Psst- it is!)

10(ish) Superpowers Every Spoonie Wants

1. First up, we have telepathy. You know those times when the pain is so bad that you don’t feel like you can speak? Or when the anxiety is too much and you simply can’t make intelligible noises through your sobs? Or when you are too sick to get out of bed, and yet don’t want to yell across the house for help? Yep, that’s when telepathy would be nice to have, wouldn’t it?

2. Next, flying. Of all the superpowers, I’ve always wanted to be able to fly. Of course, part of the reason is that for some reason in my mind, flying is effortless. It takes no energy. Imagine that… floating along, not having to rely on tired joints, or weak muscles, or a body with little energy. Sounds amazing, right? Not to mention all of the amazing places you could get to in God’s creation that way that are so difficult to get to otherwise.

3. Mind reading. Except… this one goes for both you and your caregiver. Well, now that I think about it, your doctor as well. A lot of the time, my brain makes it difficult to communicate. Maybe I can’t form the words, or brain fog makes them not make sense. Maybe the anxiety makes it difficult to verbalize things. Or maybe I just can’t form the words to answer the doctor’s questions. Other times, I don’t even know which thoughts I’m missing that need to be communicated. It sure would be convenient for my caregiver and doctor to be able to read my mind. Of course, only if I could turn it off. 🙂 (After all, how would we keep Christmas surprises that way?)

4. Next on our list is empathy. To be able to understand what those around us were feeling would save a lot of miscommunication! I suspect it would also help us avoid the trap of self-pity. 🙂

5. Time Travel. First, you could go back and correct the things that led you to be as sick as you are (although, that leads to the question of if you would…. God always knows best, after all.). Second, you could peek ahead into the future and see how long your illness will last… but then again, that would take away the need to rely on God and to have faith. So maybe time travel isn’t the best thing. But then again, you could at least go back to events when you’re feeling better… you know, the birthday party you missed, etc..

6. Teleporting. One of the most difficult things for someone with a chronic illness to do is to travel, as we already touched on when we talked about flying. Being able to teleport would be rather amazing, and, yet again, convenient. It would give us more time to get ready for things, and less strain to get to things. If we needed to go home early, we could without any inconvenience for anyone else! We could teleport right to the couch. Or, even better, if we could teleport things to ourselves… books, food, the DVD…

7. The Force. (For lack of better word.) Just think: you could turn the light switch off without even getting out of bed! [Edit: My friend informed me that this is technically ‘telekinesisis’ ;)]

8. Next, we have Adjustable Sight and Hearing. Not so bad for someone with sensory issues. Besides, then it’s easier to take naps no matter where you are.

9. Super Strength! Being able to do things longer and better than you normally could? It takes a lot of strength to endure a sickness, having some extra would be quite nice, don’t you think?

9. A Force Feild. I don’t know about you, but the more I learn about the human body, the more watching America’s Funniest Home Videos hurts to watch. Being sick, I get injured and sick way more easily, so a force field would be nice to have. Or what if, as my friend suggested, you had a force field that could block against symptoms, like headaches? Now that would be nice.

9. Heightened Memory. Why? Because, reasons. First: brain fog. Second: brain fog. Third: remembering how God has worked in the past. Fourth: Because this is the 3rd number nine. (Also, you just checked, didn’t you?)

10. Finally, this list would not be complete without healing powers. This one probably needs no explanation. 🙂

Each of those is debatable. And I’m sure there’s a few more that we can add to the list (do so in the comments!). But a girl can dream, right?

What do I mean by debatable? Well… God knows what He’s doing. And to be honest, I’m glad I don’t have most of those because my weakness forces me to rely on God. I can rest knowing that He is the Healer, the great Physician. He could heal me miraculously if He chose to, and He is only giving me this trial because He loves me. I will trust in Him. His grace is sufficient for me and for you. 🙂