According to, a chronic illness is simply “an illness that lasts 3 months or more.”
I’ve found that many people who suffer from health issues hesitate to call it a “chronic illness” or even a “long-term illness”. Especially if they have yet to receive an official accurate diagnosis.
There are many reasons for this, I think, but one of the main ones is because they don’t want their illness to be chronic. Which is completely understandable. Many people don’t want to call it that not because they are only afraid of a chronic illness, but because they are holding on to hope that their sickness isn’t a chronic illness. And that, I applaud.
Hope is one of the most crucial things needed to suffering well. In fact, I devoted an entire chapter to hope in my book He’s Making Diamonds.
Is it wrong not to acknowledge the fact that you very likely have a chronic illness? Is it wrong to say that you have a chronic illness when you possibly might not have one?
First, if you are wondering either of these things, I’m sorry. Whatever you are going through, chronic illness or not, must be so difficult. Hang in there! God’s got you. You are not alone, you never will be, and God isn’t wasting your tears or pain.
Though perhaps to some the label (or lack thereof) is important for accepting whatever season God has put them in right now, the label is just some words.
If right now, you don’t want to call yourself a spoonie or someone with a chronic illness, that’s okay. If you do have one, it will take time to adjust and you can take that mantle on when you’re ready. It’s not a big deal. And remember… it’s just some words.
And those words should not define you. God may use a chronic illness to refine you, but don’t forget that it is not who you are. And don’t forget that God is bigger than any chronic illness. It doesn’t mean you will always be sick, despite what those words mean. God can still heal you, both miraculously or through doctors.
I want to remind those who have chosen to accept the fact that they have a chronic illness. I know that when you work up the courage to start using that word about yourself, it can bring such validation, and community with others who have a chronic illness. But you, too, remember: it isn’t your identity no matter how all-consuming chronic illness can be.
And about the community thing? It’s actually more about you letting yourself belong to the chronic illness community. From what I’ve found, most of us in the chronic illness community don’t care if you have a label or not. Just because you are undiagnosed doesn’t make your sufferings any less. In fact, the struggle with the unknowns might make some things even harder!
Yes, once you have a diagnosis it may make it easier to find exactly the people who can relate to you the most. And it can help us understand your specific health issues better. But we’re not judging you about some label. We just want to come alongside you and help you, no matter what phase or season you are in. Sickness is hard, and we know from experience how much easier it is when there are people in it with you, praying, helping, listening, and understanding. You’re not alone. And you don’t have to wait until you have a diagnosis or label to enter the chronic illness community.
And young fighter? I want you to know it’s the same with my book. I know that it says “chronic illness” on the cover, in the title. And in this post, I talked about how specific my target audience is. But just because your health issues aren’t called a “chronic illness” doesn’t mean that the same truths in that book don’t apply to you. They do.
Some Parting Sidenotes:
- In case you missed it, He’s Making Diamonds is now available for preorder! Yay! Those who preorder will have the opportunity to receive a free bonus content video series, you can find all the info here.
- I was honored to be published on the Rebelution again, this time talking about 3 Truths for the Chronically Ill Teen, so make sure to check that out here.
- Today the first installment in the blog/YouTube book tour (it starts tomorrow officially, so brace yourself for some fun!) was posted! My awesome sister and I did the “Who’s Most Likely To…” challenge, you can find it here: