It’s time for the annual big indie Black Friday sale! Whoop whoop! I’ve joined a bunch of other indie authors and collectively there are almost 300 books that are on sale for 99 cents or free. How awesome is that? I’m an author, so I guess I’m obligated to be obsessed with books, but as a broke chronically ill young adult, I definitely appreciate free books.
On the other hand, I know how much work it takes to write and publish a book. So as you scroll through these books on sale, remember that the authors are doing this for you, and they are barely getting any compensation despite the many hours of work and sweat and tears they put into their book babies.
So I hope you enjoy! The sale will be running from Black Friday (today) through Cyber Monday. 😀
It also might be worth mentioning… if you have yet to buy my book He’s Making Diamonds, then now is definitely the time to do it. $0.99 is the cheapest it has EVER been and I don’t know when (or if) if it will be availible for that price again. Let this be a thank you to all of you for continually supporting me and my writing. I love my readers so much!
If you already own HMD, then now might be the time to gift it to your favorite spoonies for Christmas. (Did you know that Amazon gives you the option of buying ebooks for other people at this price now, but putting a delay on the delivery date so that it doesn’t show up in their inbox until you want it to, whether that’s Christmas or their birthday?)

Sara’s Black Friday Book Sale Guide
Now, while I might be biased in my reccomendation of He’s Making Diamonds, I have a few other reccomendations. You see, almost 300 books is A LOT to sift through, and in case you don’t have time to go through it all (although, for free books, who can’t spare a few minutes?), I want to spotlight a few of my favorites that are part of the sale. I can’t vouch for all the books in the sale, and I actually don’t like some of them, but these are SOME of my favorites:
Fantasy Sale Books
- The Releuctant Godfather
- The Blades of Actar
- Ilyon Chronicles
Historical Fiction Sale Books
Mystery Sale Books
- Kate’s Files
- The Accidental Cases of Emily Abott
Romance Sale Books
Note: I don’t neccesariy reccomend all these books for all audiences, all I’m saying it that they have some pretty awesome writing and I REALLY enjoy reading and rereading them. 😉Â
Note #2: If you have read (or do read) He’s Making Diamonds, don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon! Even if it’s just one sentence. Please? *puppy eyes*