Happy Valentine’s Day!
I know that Valentine’s Day can be hard when you have a chronic illness for a lot of reasons. Holidays in general are difficult when you’re sick, since it can be hard to participate in the celebrations going on.
Lately, I’ve been dealing with a lot of relationship scars that illness left on my heart. It’s not easy.
One of my biggest struggles is how my illness affects those I love and really just anyone around me.
Another struggle I’ve talked to many chronically ill girls about is the question of: “can I ever be in a relationship even though my chronic illness is complicated and difficult?” It comes out in different ways, but the root is the same.
“Does my chronic illness make me unloveable?”
“How could I ever subject another person to living with a chronic illness, even as a caregiver?”
“How can I ever have a family if I can’t even take care of myself?”
My heart breaks for those who ask these questions. I remeber crying as a fifteen-year-old, wondoring these things. That’s not what most fifteen-year-olds are thinking about!
So today, as a Valentine’s Day gift to you, three husbands of chronically ill wives have helped me with a special project. They have taken the time to share their perspective on this struggle and topic, and it was hugely encouraging to me. They share with honesty and compassion, which is exactly what I need.
They didn’t say illness isn’t hard or that they don’t struggle. They spoke a more powerful truth.
So without further ado, please be encouraged.