I had something special planned to post today. But the past few days my heart has gone out to my fellow chronic illness warriors as the Coronavirus concern has intensified. They say that only the elderly and immunocompromised need to be worried. But the thing is, those of us with a chronic illness are immunocompromised.
And I know it can be scary. Tonight as I scroll through #HighRiskCovid19 on Twitter and see the faces of all my fellow immunocompromised warriors, I desperately want to know how to offer encouragement and comfort right now. My people, my tribe, is hurting and sacred.
Honestly, I’m not personally that worried. Neither is my doctor. And if you want the reasons why, I’m happy to discuss it one on one with you.
But there are so many ways in a week a chronic illness warrior can be knocked out, the virus doesn’t concern me. The media is hyping it up and people are freaking out, but I want to encourage all the chronic illness warriors to take a deep breath and pause for a moment.
Yes, the Coronavirus can be scary. But the truth is, we face things that have the same potential for harm to our bodies every single week. I’ve had normal cases of the flu destroy my body and set my health back months before. Normal colds take me two or three times as long to recover from as my healthy friends and family. What is it about the Coronavirus that makes it different?
Warriors, you already face life-altering and life-threatening things every single week, sometimes daily. There are a thousand things in this world that could wreck your health and life without warning. So while I am not minimizing your fear or struggle right now, it helps to put things into perspective.
Maybe thinking of everything you face down each week isn’t helpful. But to me, it’s comforting to know that the Coronavirus is just one more thing, it’s not anything special or deserving of extra fear. Warrior, you’re tough. You stare illness and/or death in the face on a daily basis. Don’t back down now!
Don’t get me wrong. Be wise and careful. Not only if you’re immunocompromised, but everyone. Because there are a lot of us relying on you to be careful so that we’re safe. But remember, you weren’t created to live in fear.
I also want to take a moment to speak to the healthy people reading this. As things get canceled and people isolate themselves, it’s easy to get frustrated. No one wants to deal with loneliness. No one wants to deal with isolation or being stuck at home. No one wants to get sick or have to be extra careful all the time
But here’s the thing: chronic illness warriors deal with that every single day. We can’t often go to work or school. We have to miss out on countless social events. We have to be constantly vigilant about our health and about even the slightest cough around us. Twenty-four seven. And it’s not just for two weeks, it’s for years at a time.
I’ve lived it. I’ve been isolated for years at a time. I’ve had to miss out on things because someone there had a head cold or stomach bug or someone had a family member who had one of those things. I’ve had to survive for years with little to no human interaction outside of my family because I was too weak to leave my bed.
Again, this isn’t to belittle anyone’s fears or struggles with the Coronavirus. Your fears are worth facing. But as you go through these things — isolation, hyper-awareness, missing out — think about the chronic illness warriors in your life and what they have had to go through for months and years.
Maybe reach out and tell them you’re thinking of them. Just a thought.
Anyway, hopefully everyone is staying safe and enjoying a break! They say that something like 70% of people have a book they want to write. Now might be the perfect time to start. 🙂 Also, praying for all of my fellow immunocompromised warriors, hang in there! Nothing is outside of God’s control.
In Christ,

Love this, Sara! Thank you for bringing awareness to this. It’s so true that chronic illness warriors have to face something so similar for years. <3 Thank you for posting this!
Thanks for reading it! 🙂
Sara, thank you, yes! It isn’t that much different to what we’ve faced already. I appreciate your perspective. <3
Thanks, Caitlin, I’m glad you liked this! 🙂
I enjoyed reading this, Sara! We are surrounded by people that are so consumed with fear right now, so it is encouraging to see and read your balanced perspective of the virus. You are a beautiful testimony of having peace in the promise of the presence of God. 🙂 Praying for you and all of our fellow spoonies.
Aw, I’m glad to hear that! *blushes* Thanks, it’s God. 🙂 How are you doing with everything?
I’m doing well. 😀 If ‘everything’ means life in general, I’m busy getting ready to graduate and be done with high school forever (yayyy). If you’re asking how I’m doing with the virus scare, I’m also doing well. I’m not exactly immunocompromised, even though my heart and lungs are weaker than the average teen…I’m not worried about the virus, outside of reasonable concern for my grandparents, my elderly friends from church, and my friends with cancer and chronic illness. Anyways, I see your blog posts in my email every time you post them, and they are always a blessing even though I don’t usually comment. How are you doing with everything?
Yay, congratulations!!! That’s so exciting. Do you know what you’re doing next?
Glad you’re not too worried. 🙂
Aw, I’m glad to hear that!
I’m doing pretty well. My health has been continuing to improve and we’re working on getting me healthy enough to fly. Otherwise I’ve been busy with writing and volunteering for our local Young Life group. 🙂
Yep, I’m going to college to study nursing and Bible. 🙂
I’m glad you’re doing well, and I’m praying you continue to get better. Are you planning to fly somewhere?
I’m not compromised (I mean, I don’t think so) but my mom is and I have 3 young nieces living at home, so… They are. We by no means are tossing caution to the wind and we’re taking precautions–but the media’s fear is outrageous. We should focus on God and being a light for others.
And I really relate to some of what you’re saying, even though I’m not compromised–I’m used to staying home and caring for my mom. I rarely leave the house. I deal with loneliness a lot. I honestly was surprised people could “dislike” being confined to their homes, haha. But we should definitely be praying for everyone involved. ♥ Rock on, Sara!
Exactly, focusing on God and being a light for others. 🙂 Lol, yeah! I can’t say I’m not frustrated at having to stay at home — I was isolated for so long I really don’t want to go back to isolation. But what’s a few weeks, right?