One of my best friends, Esther, over at StargazersForHim recently did the Liebster Blog Award, and I thought it’d be fun to jump in too. It’s been a while since I accepted one of these challenges.
So what is The Liebster Award? Here’s the description passed down:
The Liebster Award originated in Germany. The German word Liebster means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. In short, this award is given to the upcoming promising bloggers who have some worth-reading content and certainly have less than 200 followers as a recognition of their talent and as a way to greet them “welcome”. This is a small act of inspiration that might change a blogger’s whole point of view, just like it changed mine. The Liebster Award is an award for Recognition. You would not get any money, or cup, or medal, or certificate; just a recognition which will give you a spot-light mark in this crowded blogging-market!
Another thing about this award is that this is a “Pay it forward” award, like a chain-reaction. Once you have accepted the award, you have to search for other bloggers, who are emerging as new buds with some really promising content which you find worth reading. You can accept it, or you can let it go; no harm done… However, if you want to accept The Liebster Award, you have to follow six simple rules.
Rules for the Nomination:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
- Answer 11 questions given to you.
- Share 11 facts about yourself.
- Nominate 5-11 other bloggers.
- Ask your nominees 11 questions of your choice.
- Notify your nominees once you have uploaded your post.
1. What is your favorite thing to write about?
I asked my sister what my answer to this question was and she had three answers (in this order):
a) Impending doom
b) People
c) Relationships with People
I do like to write about people and relationships (not sure about impending doom . . . ). Mostly, I write about Christian living stuff, which can take so many forms. My favorite kind of article to write is often open letters.
2. What book of the Bible have you been reading lately?
I spent the month of June studying Hebrews. So much good stuff! It was especially interesting to study after having spent a lot of time in the Old Testament lately, there are so many cross references and such
3. What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?
In Arizona? Swim!
4. Do you play any instruments? If so, what?
I can play the spoons. (It’s a thing, look it up.)
5. What are your favorite songs right now?
Unbreakable Heart by J.J. Heller, Wholehearted by Rend Collective, Shotgun by George Ezra. If we’re talking songs-I’ve-listened-to-most-in-the-last-seven-days. “Favorite songs” is too hard. 😉 (Although y’all already know I have an affinity for Diamonds by Hawk Nelson.)
6. If you could speak any language, what would it be?
I know a little bit (as in enough to get around but not hold a very long/complex conversation) of a few languages . . . ASL, Hangul (Korean), and français (French). I would like to finish learning French, as well as learn some other common languages like Spanish, Arabic, and potentially Chinese. Although it would also be fun to speak Elvish and Dwarvish. Just saying. I’ve also had to use the Urban Dictionary a LOT less lately than I used to need to. #shelteredhomeschoolgrad
7. What is a topic you could talk about for hours?
BOOKS. (As Esther well knows.) Also, holiness, singleness, TCKs, and . . . well, most things. I might not be able to give an impromptu speech on most things, but I could have a conversation with someone about a lot of things. (Asking good questions is the key ;))
8. What has God been teaching you lately?
He’s been teaching me to trust. To trust Him, and especially to have the courage to trust people. I’ve also been learning and relearning the value and validity of emotions — and how they should not rule me. Especially as I’ve been processing old emotions from some of the hardest moments of my life recently.
9. What is your favorite beverage?
At the moment, iced sparkling lemon water. I’ve been obsessed with lemon juice lately. And really, lemon in any form.
10. What are your hobbies other than writing?
I like to craft, specifically, I like to make beaded jewelry. Few people know that about me. Less unknown, though, I really enjoy hiking. My legs are currently scraped up from thorn bushes to prove it. 😀
11. What are some ways we can pray for you?
I’d love prayers for healthy balance in my life . . . with family, friends, writing, work, ministry, and just all areas of life.
11 Fun Facts About Me:
- I’ve always wanted a baby dragon.
- I prefer dark chocolate.
- I am a Young Life leader.
- I am a Bright Lights leader.
- I have never had a cup of coffee.
- I have eaten squirrel, kangaroo, and alligator.
- I was a Third Culture Kid (lived a lot of places).
- I once played a German scientist in a skit — one of my all time favorite characters.
- I can lick my elbow.
- I am an Enneagram type 2 and an ENFJ.
- My favorite clothing item I currently own is my rattiest old blue sweatshirt. It has long sleeves and it makes me feel safe.
My Nominations
Here Are Your Questions:
- What incredibly common thing have you never done?
- What’s the most terrifying thing you’ve ever read or watched?
- What’s your favorite smell?
- What do you wish someone taught you a long time ago?
- What’s the most unusual mode of transportation you’ve used?
- If someone came up to you and said “Hey, do that thing you do!”, what thing would pop into your head first?
- Waffles or pancakes?
- What is the most recent meme that literally made you laugh out loud?
- What song always makes you want to dance?
- What is one unpopular and one popular opinion you have?
- How are you? Really?

The song Shotgun is stuck in my head now XD I’ve been reading in Hebrews a lot lately too! Praying for balance!
Lol, you’re welcome. XD Thank you! <3