I haven’t had a birthday party since I turned fourteen.
Let’s change that. Not with my own birthday party, but by throwing a party for my book baby, He’s Making Diamonds! On July 23rd, it will be turning two, and I have to say — I think my party planning brainstorming *might* have gotten a little out of hand. 😉
I wanted to invite you all to share in the festivities.
It’s gonna be awesome. Some of the things planned include:
- Giveaways! (you know my fondness for Hobbit-style birthdays)
- Games (hehe) (with prizes, of course)
- Social media lives
- Live readings
- Sara embarrassing herself
- Lives with special guests!
- Also, an after-party just for my email subscribers . . . costume contest and everything 😀
Here’s the thing, though: the birthday party isn’t the only thing starting. Because would I be Sara if I didn’t try to do too much at once? (I’m praying that changes someday.) On July 22nd, the day before the birthday party, we’re starting something awesome that I’ve been looking forward to for six months.
Three straight days of live videos is a lot for anyone to watch. I know some people were not able to attend the entire thing live (myself included!), and even those who attended found it too much to really swallow and digest.
So on July 22nd, six months from the start of Diamonds 2021, we will be doing a huge community rewatch. Each day we will watch one of the twenty-five sessions on our own time, joining in chats on the private Diamonds 2020 community, encouraging each other and keeping each other accountable. I’ll be in it with you!