A few years ago, I was a bedridden, chronically ill teenager. I couldn’t do much, but what I could do what write. So I wrote. I wrote a blog. Then a book. Then I asked, “now what?” And a friend suggested an online conference. In blissful ignorance of what that would entail, I said. “That sounds like fun.”
It was fun. It was also way out of the span of my abilities. Mercifully, two friends took pity on me that first year and jumped in to help. We did a few more conferences, and then Bethany came to me.
“Sara, we need help.”
She was right. But I didn’t want to ask for help. I didn’t want to burden people. It makes me laugh now. Asking for help has given God the ability to use me and Diamonds to bless so many more people. Attendees, but also the very people I asked for help from.
Just a few days ago, a staff member commented, “The best decision I made two years ago today was the interview to join the Diamonds Staff! Thank you @Sara Willoughby! This is probably one of the best teams I’m on. I’m so grateful for everyone here.”
You see, the staff is almost like a little family. It’s a bunch of like-minded people, with chronic illnesses and a heart to serve, coming together to love the chronic illness community. How awesome is that?
I think I can brag on them. Because even though I was the one that started the conference it really wasn’t me, and this staff has been something God has brought together. (I repeat — I was a teenager in her bedroom with absolutely no idea what I was doing.) These are people that are full of compassion, grace, and an eternal mindset.
It’s . . . beautiful.
And . . . I’ll digress from the sentimentalism now because I have some good news. We’re looking for a few more people to join this team.
People who are:
-Passionate about serving the chronic illness community
-Looking for flexible opportunities to hone their skills
Some perks to joining staff are:
-Using your skills for a good purpose
-Networking with likeminded people
-Virtual chocolate
-Mentorship/community support
If this sounds like it might be you, click here to apply.
Because how do you start a conference? With a lot of help. (For more practical advice, hit the contact button ;))