Where Are You, God?

I said I’d see you next year, and here I am! Wow, isn’t it so strange to think about?! But we are here! And I thank God for putting me in this year, though I have no idea what it will hold. Hopefully less pain, and more health, than last year, but I still...

This is Home

So, piggy-backing off of one of my previous posts, ‘On The Road Again’, I want to share some things about home, or a lack of it. God taught me some pretty important stuff about what home is and such during out 3-4 months without one. I must warn you ahead...

On The Road Again

Yup, on the road again. We did that so often, that my very non-musical mom eventually developed alternative lyrics to that song. 😉 Living on the road constantly isn’t easy: emotionally, physically, or mentally. Especially when you are homeless and living on the...

Good To Be Alive

When you spend everyday in your pajamas, in bed, in pain, eating the same things, with no hope of change, not able to see people, not able to entertain yourself with books, movies, or music…. life can get miserable, right? But the truth is: It’s good to be...