by Sara | Sep 28, 2020 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Mental Struggles
“So . . . I’m not offering any value in this relationship right now?” My insecurity was laid bare before my friend. “It isn’t about offering value! You HAVE value. You are VALUABLE. I don’t give a rip what you think you can or can’t add to our friendship,...
by Sara | Aug 10, 2020 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Living With Health Challenges
I got an email from a chronically ill reader recently. My heart twinged as I read the last two sentences. “how am i suppose to just be fine about this chronic illness? do you have any advice?” I think every chronic illness warrior eventually ends up at this...
by Sara | Jul 27, 2020 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Living With Health Challenges, Navigating Healing & Recovery
I was watching a break-up video on YouTube. Yeah, that says a lot about how far down the YouTube black hole I fell during the window of time I’d set aside for practicing self-care. Oops. But she said something about brokenness that made me think. What if being...
by Sara | Jul 23, 2020 | Book News & Recs, Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Navigating Healing & Recovery, Uncategorized
It’s funny. My actual birthday was just over a month ago. But I would have been happy to totally ignore it. July 23rd, on the other hand, has become much more of a mile marker in my life. Rather than my birthday, it’s the day I celebrate, and the day I look back over...
by Sara | Jun 29, 2020 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Guest Writers
I stared at myself in the mirror as I wearily leaned on the the counter, the feeling of lightheaded dizziness still making me unbalanced. I questioned what on earth was going on with me as tears started to fill my eyes. I’ve always gotten sick easily, had to watch...
by Sara | Jun 22, 2020 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Guest Writers
Before I got Lyme disease, I based my identity on external things. I was a writer. I could sit down and spin stories and I loved it. It was what I wanted to be, and I staked so much of my identity within the sphere of writing. I was a reader. I would...