by Sara | Feb 17, 2020 | Girls Only, Living With Health Challenges, Loving Someone With Health Challenges, Lyme Disease, Mental Struggles, Uncategorized
Happy Valentine’s Day! I know that Valentine’s Day can be hard when you have a chronic illness for a lot of reasons. Holidays in general are difficult when you’re sick, since it can be hard to participate in the celebrations going on. Lately,...
by Sara | Jan 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
Diamonds 2020 is over. I feel like I have to keep saying that so that it sinks in. I woke up the day after the conference much earlier than I wanted to (I planned on sleeping in) super stressed about the conference . . . even though it was over. It’s been an...
by Sara | Jan 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
Today starts the official Diamonds 2020 blog tour!! (Also, the MERCH SHOP OPENING, but more on that later.) Whoop whoop! I have a special message for you. Even on the first day of opening registration for Diamonds 2020, we got a lot of messages and comments and DMs...
by Sara | Jan 15, 2020 | Book News & Recs, Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Guest Writers, Living With Health Challenges, Uncategorized
There is nothing quite like the panic leading up to release day and the relief of successfully making it to release day in one piece. But we did it! I jumped through Amazon’s hoops for the third time, and the Diamonds 2020: Fighting Together study guide is now...
by Sara | Jan 10, 2020 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Guest Writers, Living With Health Challenges, Loving Someone With Health Challenges, Uncategorized
Diamonds 2020 is officially under two weeks away! Final preparations are in full swing. There are social media lives and takeovers going on, a study guide release days away from occuring, trial runs in the works, way too many giveaways (if that is such a thing), and...
by Sara | Dec 30, 2019 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Uncategorized
There is probably a better way to title this post, but I have so many exciting things to share, I wasn’t sure how to squeeze it all in. 😉 But as you all know by now unless you’ve been hiding in a Hobbit hole somewhere (an activity I slightly envy), Diamonds 2020 is...