This past week at Young Life (a youth ministry I volunteer for), one girl wore a cape. Granted, it was a few days after Halloween, but I thought it was awesome. Today, I want to encourage you to put on a cape. Who cares what Edna says? It’s too soon to quit.
Put on whatever it takes to keep fighting. Whether it’s sparkly shoes that make you feel special or a necklace from someone you love or maybe you need to add a picture of a special memory as your phone wallpaper.
Guys, I know things aren’t easy right now. Life is hard. Sometimes, humans are jerks. Illness sucks. But hang in there! Please. For me? No, don’t do it for me. That’s not a good enough motivation. I’m human. Don’t do it for yourself either. That still isn’t enough. Do it for God.
Do it for the Savior of the world. Do it for the glory of the One who loves you — all of you — far more than you can possibly imagine. And He thinks you’re worth it. He thinks you’re worth fighting for. He thinks you’re wonderful.
Do you think He is worth hanging in there for? Let me assure you He is. He SO is. There are so many crazy, wonderful, beautiful, other-positive-adjective things waiting for us. Just around the corner — possibly here on earth, but definitely in Heaven. Heaven is so much closer than I think most of us realize. And it’s gonna be awesome.

It’s too soon to quit.
My brother is just finishing up his cross country season at the moment. For those of you who don’t know, a high school cross country race means running a 5k. And as I’ve sat on sidelines and watched, it’s crazy to watch the athletes come through for the last time. So many of them get lost at the last second. Competitors who were up near the front can end up losing minutes (a big deal) because they forgot where the finish line was and stop too early or because they didn’t follow the arrows and the people on the sidelines yelling at them to turn around.
Warriors, don’t quit too early. Don’t give up hope. Our reward for fighting the good fight is just around the corner. Keep fighting. Keep trying. Keep leaning on God. It is worth it.
Even if it’s dark now. Even if you think you’ve already crossed the finish line. Even if you think the blessing or relief or whatever should be here already. As I’ve been reminded lately, God’s timing is perfect.
Where my family is at right now, it feels like we’re in a plane, circling. Circling. Circling. We’ve been through so much, we made it to the finish line — but we still haven’t landed. In multiple sermons I’ve listened to lately by various pastors, I’ve heard this message: just because you’re ready doesn’t mean the place you’re going to is. Just because you’ve crossed the finish line doesn’t mean your team has and that you’ve won the race.
It’s too soon to quit. I know. It’s been years. It feels downright impossible to hang on for one more second. So put on your cape. Keep enduring. Enduring glorifies God. You WILL get to the finish line eventually.

Great timing on this post!
I feel like the Cliff Hanger dude from Between the Lions. “Can’t…hold…on…much longer!” lol