Today, I’m joining in the LitAFlame blog link-up. A bunch of bloggers are sharing their testimonies and thoughts on Exodus 14:14 as we celebrate Easter.
Jesus saved my life. He saved my soul through sacrificing Himself on the cross so that I could be forgiven and live with Him forever in Heaven. But He also saved my current earthly life. More than once during my short time here on earth, I was supposed to die.
When I was fifteen, I was given a month to live. But God spared my life. We were at our wit’s end, we had tried everything we knew to do, but I was only getting sicker. And sicker. And sicker. My family watched as I lay in my bed day after day, dying. Though we didn’t know it.
Finally, a family friend suggested another doctor. In desperation, we made an appointment and waited. She was something like the seventh doctor who had tried to help me. My mom half-carried me into her office that first day.
We didn’t realize but she was one of the best in the world at treating my illness. And we just happened to find her a month before I would have died. And we just happened to move thirty minutes away from her without knowing she was there.
When I began thinking of what I would write in this blog post, I hesitated. God has impressed Exodus 14:14 into my life in so many ways, I wasn’t sure where to start or what parts to share. Honestly, Exodus 14:14 is somewhat the story of my life. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (Exodus 14:14 NIV)
On so many occasions, I’ve been desperate and unable to do things on my own. Writing and publishing my book He’s Making Diamonds? That was a total act of God. The last moments before publication stand out in my mind vividly as a time when all I could do was be still. But God fought for me.
Hosting the Diamonds conferences? More times when God fought for me in ways I didn’t even know I needed fighting for. He went before me and behind me, orchestrating details and bearing the brunt of things far too big for me. He provided help and support both supernaturally and through the body of Christ.
I wish I had time to tell you all the stories of what He has done in my life.

I don’t know what you’re facing right now or what has you desperate, at your wit’s end. Maybe it’s an illness. Maybe it’s a project too big for you. Maybe it’s suffering or pain you can’t alleviate or fix. Whatever it is, it’s so far out of your control. You feel helpless.
Today, I want to encourage you to stop. To stop striving. To be still. When we are busy trying to do things that are meant for only God’s shoulders, it’s difficult to see God working. But those who look on God are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame. In Jesus is how we are victorious.
One of our most desperate battles is that with sin. But again, Jesus took care of it. When we were unable to save ourselves, He fought for us and He won victory over sin and death. He set us free.
Whatever you are facing right now, be still and watch God fight. Surrender it to Him and trust Him to take care of it. His way of fighting is so much more effective.
“He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’” (Psalm 46:10 NIV)
I’ve been struggling with this lately. I keep trying to take onto my shoulders burdens that belong to God. Especially when it comes to helping people. But people belong to God. I am called to love and serve but I am not called to save. I can’t save!
So today, I’m choosing to be still. God has fought for me in the past, He is plenty capable of fighting for me and for you now. If only we will trust Him.