One more thing
I didn’t think I could handle one more thing
Yet here it is and I keep on going
One more day
Will you provide what I need for one more day?
I’ve asked for so much, yet I wearily ask again
You have always provided what I need
Comfort in unseen grief
Friendship in transition
Sustenance when my heart and wallet are empty
*pause to remember His past provision*
I don’t know what to do
Show me the next step
I don’t know what to decide
Provide another option
I can’t fix the situation
Help me trust Your way and Your character
*pause to reflect on what you know to be true of His character*
Care for the ones I love, please
Help them when I don’t know how to
Grow them through the challenge
Show them Your love for them and their worth in You
Pull them closer to Yourself
Help us to see You
To humbly receive help
To notice the ways You have already provided
To proclaim truth alongside our woes to those who watch us
To praise You when the burdens lift