by Sara | Oct 25, 2021 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Living With Health Challenges, Loving Someone With Health Challenges, Mental Struggles, Navigating Healing & Recovery, Uncategorized
It’s ANNOUNCEMENT DAY! This will be our fifth Diamonds event, and y’all? It never gets old. This has been in the works for a while, and the staff and I are SO EXCITED to share these details with you! Who, what where . . . we have some awesome speakers and...
by Sara | Oct 25, 2021 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Navigating Healing & Recovery
I’m getting my license next week. (To drive, not to kill as a friend teased.) And for a long time, yellow lights stumped me. What exactly do they mean? As a kid, I thought green meant go, red meant stop, and yellow meant go slow. “Go” and “stop” are both pretty clear....
by Sara | Oct 11, 2021 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Guest Writers
I was lying in bed, tears soaking my pillow as I cried myself to sleep, in physical pain over the death of a dream. If you have known the pain of watching a dream crumble before your eyes, then you understand this. We’ve all desired something deeply, only to have our...
by Sara | Sep 27, 2021 | Guest Writers, Mental Struggles, Navigating Healing & Recovery
Today, I’m so excited to share a new guest post. PTSD is something that many chronic illness warriors face, and I know we can learn a lot from what Rhonda has to share with us. Post-traumatic stress disorder (or PTSD) is a devastating mental health disorder....
by Sara | Sep 13, 2021 | Living With Health Challenges, Loving Someone With Health Challenges, Mental Struggles, Navigating Healing & Recovery
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you.” I smiled at the unexpected text from an old friend. “You seem to have a lot of experience with the whole healing thing, and that’s something I’m working on right now[.]” Now I laughed. I guess I do have a lot of experience, but then...