by Sara | Aug 21, 2018 | Loving Someone With Health Challenges
Well, a Monday not so long ago, I didn’t have a blog post. My creativity was gone from the scramble to get He’s Making Diamonds published, and I had long since run out of prescheduled blog posts dues to health issues in the past. I decided that what with...
by Sara | Aug 14, 2018 | Loving Someone With Health Challenges
…continued from previous post: Trying to help someone is scary… what if we say the wrong thing? What if our help makes it worse? How do we know what in the world to say or do? And I’m pretty sure no one knows what the exact right thing is to say or...
by Sara | Aug 7, 2018 | Loving Someone With Health Challenges
Last week, I posted an open letter to a friend, telling her that I would fight with her, and urging you to do the same with those in your life. But today, I thought it would be helpful to talk about ways we can fight with those in our lives. So often, we want to help,...
by Sara | Jul 31, 2018 | Loving Someone With Health Challenges, Uncategorized
Dear sweet, hurting, sister, You are so precious. I am so thankful for your friendship and I won’t let you fight this alone. I refuse to back down, and I will keep speaking the truth as long as you need it. Don’t apologize to me, and don’t hesitate...
by Sara | Jul 28, 2018 | Book News & Recs, Uncategorized
One of my favorite parts of my book to write was the acknowledgments page. Because even though my name is on the cover, this book was not a one-person effort. Far from it. But, there are two major groups of people that I really feel needed to have been added to that...