by Sara | Jul 6, 2018 | Book News & Recs, Uncategorized
Hello everyone! Today I have the privilage of intervewing the wonderful new author Angela Watts! Please join me in celebrating her debut book, which came out July 4th! Hi Angela! How would you describe your new book in emojis? Oh, boy. So many to choose. Let me...
by Sara | Jul 3, 2018 | Book News & Recs, Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Uncategorized
It’s finally here. This book is happening, guys. It has a cover, a release date, a blurb, an editor, alpha and betas, a formatter, and an awesome potential foreword writer. And today, at last, I get to share some of these things with you! (alas, not all) Keeping...
by Sara | Jun 25, 2018 | Book News & Recs, Uncategorized
When I was writing my book He’s Making Diamonds, I realized how much songs had influenced my thoughts and journey of faith through chronic illness. In each season there were songs that would become my anthems. Songs I would listen to when depression or anxiety...
by Sara | Jun 19, 2018 | Living With Health Challenges, Mental Struggles, Uncategorized
Wow is it hard to find clean comedies, y’all! Not to mention well-done ones. Anyone agreed? Whoa, whoa, not everyone at once, people. 😉 For the past few months my doctor has limited me to watching comedies, and I’ve discovered that they can be difficult to...
by Sara | Jun 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hey. How have you been? (Seriously, I want to know, comment below!) I finally decided to give up on crafting a well thought out blog post for you this week and to just let you know what’s been on my heart. First, I finished the 4th edit of He’s Making...