by Sara | Oct 10, 2017 | Living With Health Challenges, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Toxic Mold Poisoning
Emily over at Called To Watch posted a great article about diagnosis and how to handle it when you aren’t the person who is sick- but a loved one or someone that you know is. It inspired me to share a little bit about my own diagnoses… I generalize my...
by Sara | Oct 2, 2017 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness
Eve sinned. Adam sinned. We sin. We live in a fallen world. And the result of our sin is death, thistles, pain, sickness, etc. (Genesis 3) We deserve it. we earned it. Even if we are saved and have chosen to receive God’s forgiveness, we still live in a fallen...
by Sara | Sep 11, 2017 | Guest Writers, Gut and Food, Loving Someone With Health Challenges, Uncategorized
I remember going over my allergy test results with the doctor and staring at the red, green, and yellow bars running all over the paper, like traffic lights telling us “Yes, go ahead and eat that” or “Steer clear of this one!” I remember when my mom came home...
by Sara | Sep 4, 2017 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Living With Health Challenges
Since I’ve gotten sick, I have met more and more people who are facing many of the same battles I am. But a lot of them are facing them (or trying to) alone. Sometimes it’s because they don’t know many people, or people have slowly chosen to...
by Sara | Sep 2, 2017 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Loving Someone With Health Challenges, Uncategorized
I have been blessed with an amazing network of family, friends, and prayer warriors. They have encouraged and helped me in so many ways so much throughout my sickness, and I am SO thankful for each and every one of them. But they are human, and sometimes my biggest...
by Sara | Aug 28, 2017 | Living With Health Challenges
Dear Fellow Chronic Illness Fighter, Let’s agree to something, okay? I promise I won’t compare myself to you, if you won’t compare yourself to me. Don’t you think that will save a whole lot of messes? We’re in this together, and we’re going to need each other’s...
by Sara | Aug 24, 2017 | Gut and Food, Living With Health Challenges, Loving Someone With Health Challenges, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
“I wish I could tell people I have cancer,” he said. “It would just be so much… simpler. It’s something clear and obvious that most people can understand, as opposed to when I tell them that my liver is overloaded, my spleen, gallbladder,...
by Sara | Aug 21, 2017 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness
Though there are many many more, here are some of the verse that have become my heart’s cry throughout my sickness, and that I pray will encourage you as well in whatever you are facing in your life. 1. Isaiah 55:8-11 (NIV) “For my thoughts are not your...
by Sara | Aug 18, 2017 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Toxic Mold Poisoning
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! -2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV) I was thinking about toxic mold the other day, and all the things we can learn about Biblical truths from it. You know how when your house gets...
by Sara | Aug 14, 2017 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Living With Health Challenges
I’ve talked a bit on this blog about how brain fog and other mental battles can affect our interactions or relationships with other people, but does it affect our relationship or interactions with God? Clearly, it can, for sure… I mean, take Scripture...