by Sara | Jan 4, 2017 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness
Hello there! Did you enjoy my last post? It was pretty heavy, wasn’t it? Well, I have one more hard question to address today. Why would God, if He loves us, allow us to go through such pain and suffering? Can you believe that He has a purpose in it? A plan? No,...
by Sara | Jan 1, 2017 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness
I said I’d see you next year, and here I am! Wow, isn’t it so strange to think about?! But we are here! And I thank God for putting me in this year, though I have no idea what it will hold. Hopefully less pain, and more health, than last year, but I still...
by Sara | Dec 18, 2016 | Living With Health Challenges, Uncategorized
I have only a few more Christmas-related ideas for you. 🙂 I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful Christmas, as this will be my last post until then! Cards By now, I am sure that you have Christmas cards from friends and family coming in, depending on how many people...
by Sara | Dec 15, 2016 | Living With Health Challenges, Uncategorized
The interesting life of a mold/MCS person, when getting presents for other people is so much easier than receiving presents yourself. How do you navigate that? I suppose this post is written mainly for you to be able to forward to your grandparents and friends, but...
by Sara | Dec 8, 2016 | Living With Health Challenges, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Uncategorized
One of my family’s Christmas traditions (we have quite a few ;)) is that we always decorate for Christmas on Black Friday. This year, however, we were planning what we wanted to do to decorate. We quickly realized that we were going to have to be creative and do...
by Sara | Dec 6, 2016 | Gut and Food, Living With Health Challenges
Hello! I promised you a bone broth recipe, didn’t I? 🙂 Well here it is, as well as a few tips from my mom (who makes the bone broth in our family.) First, the recipe. I was going to write out our own, but I found one that my mom suggested that probably is better...
by Sara | Dec 2, 2016 | Gut and Food
Okay, I know that my topics are usually a little broader than simply ‘bone broth’, but bone broth has made such an impact on both my gut and my family’s Olfactory system that I just had to address it. 😉 Homemade Bone Broth VS Store Bought Bone Broth...
by Sara | Nov 29, 2016 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness
So, piggy-backing off of one of my previous posts, ‘On The Road Again’, I want to share some things about home, or a lack of it. God taught me some pretty important stuff about what home is and such during out 3-4 months without one. I must warn you ahead...
by Sara | Nov 26, 2016 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness
Yup, on the road again. We did that so often, that my very non-musical mom eventually developed alternative lyrics to that song. 😉 Living on the road constantly isn’t easy: emotionally, physically, or mentally. Especially when you are homeless and living on the...
by Sara | Nov 22, 2016 | Living With Health Challenges, Uncategorized
People with the extreme sensitivities that come with mold/MCS often cannot handle having pets in the house. And I am so sorry for that. Thankfully, my family has an Australian Labradoodle, which is hypoallergenic all the way. Like- super hypoallergenic. They can be...