Why, God?

Hello there! Did you enjoy my last post? It was pretty heavy, wasn’t it? Well, I have one more hard question to address today. Why would God, if He loves us, allow us to go through such pain and suffering? Can you believe that He has a purpose in it? A plan? No,...

Where Are You, God?

I said I’d see you next year, and here I am! Wow, isn’t it so strange to think about?! But we are here! And I thank God for putting me in this year, though I have no idea what it will hold. Hopefully less pain, and more health, than last year, but I still...

How to Make Bone Broth

Hello! I promised you a bone broth recipe, didn’t I? 🙂 Well here it is, as well as a few tips from my mom (who makes the bone broth in our family.) First, the recipe. I was going to write out our own, but I found one that my mom suggested that probably is better...

Bone Broth

Okay, I know that my topics are usually a little broader than simply ‘bone broth’, but bone broth has made such an impact on both my gut and my family’s Olfactory system that I just had to address it. 😉 Homemade Bone Broth VS Store Bought Bone Broth...

This is Home

So, piggy-backing off of one of my previous posts, ‘On The Road Again’, I want to share some things about home, or a lack of it. God taught me some pretty important stuff about what home is and such during out 3-4 months without one. I must warn you ahead...

On The Road Again

Yup, on the road again. We did that so often, that my very non-musical mom eventually developed alternative lyrics to that song. 😉 Living on the road constantly isn’t easy: emotionally, physically, or mentally. Especially when you are homeless and living on the...

Dog Care

People with the extreme sensitivities that come with mold/MCS often cannot handle having pets in the house. And I am so sorry for that. Thankfully, my family has an Australian Labradoodle, which is hypoallergenic all the way. Like- super hypoallergenic. They can be...