I planned to sleep in this morning. You know, rest before the fun starts. It didn’t work. I was up before my sister, unable to lay still. I kept closing my eyes, hoping that if I pretended to be asleep I might actually fall back asleep. Yeah, no. It was a hopeless cause. The thing is, I’m hosting an online conference.

Today’s the day. Today Diamonds 2019, the free online conference for chronically ill Christians that I’m hosting starts. Oh my goodness, TODAY is the day!!!!! Ahhhh!!!! Time for the hours of work and prayer to come to fruition and be put to the test. I’m nervous. But excited. So excited. And strangely confident despite the many worst-case scenarios making appearances in my head.

Why am I confident? Because I know without a doubt that Diamonds 2019 is in God’s hands. Totally and completely. And He is more than capable even when I’m not. I’ve only ever been to two conferences before, never spoken at any, and yet here I am hosting one! Our God is the God of the impossible. But I know that. Just look at He’s Making Diamonds, my first book! God’s grace is sufficient in our weakness. In my weakness. His power is made perfect. And so I trust Him fully with this conference. He has already proved Himself faithful. He has already brought together so many people and details it’s amazing.

For example, take the free conference study guide! Against a lot of mountains, God provided so much grace and last-minute help for it to be published on time! And it’s even published more places than I planned to!

I’m SO excited to see how God uses it. He has already used it in my own heart and life.

Well, I’ll see you later! Meanwhile, I’m going to try to stay sane in the convening hours… :p

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