I have only a few more Christmas-related ideas for you. 🙂 I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful Christmas, as this will be my last post until then!


By now, I am sure that you have Christmas cards from friends and family coming in, depending on how many people you know haven’t switched to virtual ones by now. (Let me interrupt myself for a moment and voice a conflicting opinion I have concerning this: I love real Christmas cards!! They used to stay up on our fridge all year! Now, however, maybe virtual ones are better for us super mold/chemical sensitive people. What do you think?) Anyway, even though they can’t come into the house because of mold and chemicals, we still found a way to enjoy them, thanks to my wise mom:

christmas card chemical sensativity and toxic black mold hacks

Put them on the outside of the window! Now, I know there are a few drawbacks to this. First, the neighbors may not appreciate it, if, say, you put it them on the outside of the front window… it may look like trash to them. And it also might not go to well in a wet state. You see, we have a window that no one ever really sees, and we also live in Arizona, which is pretty dry. Plus, the window in safely under a adequate covering. I hope that this works for you, and if not, I’m sorry.

Christmas Festivities

Whether it is a Christmas party, or caroling, or any such social gathering that happens around the holidays, sometimes the obstacles mold/chemical sensitive people face make it seem easier to just stay home. And sometimes is is wise to just stay home. Some things are not worth the reaction or flare you’ll get. But that’s depressing to live in all the time! Especially around Christmas!

  • Parades – We did manage to make this work! We found the most uncrowded place on the parade route and were able to pull up our car right to the sidewalk in a way that I could watch it from inside our car. I was even able to be outside the car for most of it, as long as I worse my mask… that is, until the tractor floats came by. 😉
  • Parties – One of the main issues at parties for us, aside from whether or not the building is safe (which is why outdoor parties are so great), is the food. Thankfully, this is easily solved. What I do is just bring my own food, or eat beforehand. the good thing about parties is it is easier to not make it a big deal with everyone if you skip the food and deserts, especially when there are more people. Beware of their chemicals though!  Masks are, for me, a requirement here.
  • Outdoor Activities – Now, if Christmas parties are too much for you, whether it’s the energy, the chemicals, the venue, etc., you still aren’t completely out of opportunities for some Christmas fun! If it hasn’t rained recently, outdoor activities are great: people’s chemicals aren’t trapped and overpowering, and you don’t have to worry about whether or not the building is safe. Go caroling! Or go Christmas light-looking!

My point and hope is, that you may have a wonderful Christmas even with your limitations. See you next year! (Wow, that is strange to say!).

Merry Christmas!


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