It’s that time of year again! While everyone launches into NaNo, I have something exciting to announce! (Wait, nope, the announcement isn’t coming yet, that’s what I need your help for. 😉 You see, Diamonds 2020 is just around the corner, and it’s time to let all the details that God’s been putting together the last few months out into the open. (For those of you who don’t know, Diamonds is an annual free online conference for chronically ill Christians.)


The Diamonds 2020 reveal will be announcing WHO is speaking (there are some REALLY awesome people lined up for this year, both new and returning), WHEN exactly Diamonds 2020 is happening, WHAT the theme is (you guys are gonna like it — just saying), and of course, WHERE to register. I’m ridiculously excited.


I would LOVE for you guys to join me in the reveal. It is my prayer that God uses this conference to bless and encourage many chronically ill Christians who are fighitng impossible battles, but to do that, they need to know it exists. Last year, we had 350 people registered to watch itlive, and thousands of people watched parts of the recorded version. I’m praying for 1000 people to register to watch it live — but hoping for 500. (My mom’s a runner, she always taught me to make multiple goals for things. The impossible and the realitic. 😉 ) To do that, however I need your help. So go ahead and sign up below, I can’t WAIT to see what God does through this.


The thing is, you’ll notice there is also another button down there. Diamonds 2019 was amazing and I’m still in awe over how God pulled it together. But I did learn some important lessons. Like, I shouldn’t try to host an entire conference by myself. I was blessed by the unofficial conference assitants that God provided for me last year, but this year, I know I’m going to need help. This isn’t a one-man-show. To best serve the conference attendees, its going to take a staff of people. So if you have a passion for serving God’s people and a little bit of time on your hands, I would love it if you would pray about applying for one of the five volunteer staff positions. If God leads you to, go ahead and fill out the other form below.


(You can totally do both the reveal and apply, btw. Also, I acknowledge I did use a LOT of caps in this post, but hey, I’m excited. ;))

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