She is lonely and overlooked. Out of sight, out of mind is a reality, and her battle with her health has been long. Her health prevents her from engaging with life in the way that she wants, both on a practical level and a relational level, and this affects her on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Her biggest battle is for hope as she is overwhelmed. If only she had hope, she could endure.

If only she had hope, she could handle the financial issues.
If only she had hope, she could navigate the grief.
If only she had hope, she could handle the relational breakdowns.

There is no end in sight, and no one understands. Doctors don’t believe her. Friends patronize her with miracle cures. Or worse, they accuse her of faking her illness. Her family is tired. Though they may be supportive, they’re going through awful things too. There is nothing she can do to make them understand, and she begins to doubt herself too as shame and guilt pile up.

And pile up, and pile up, and pile up. And when will it stop piling up? How much longer? How much more can she take?

How will they pay the medical bills? What does her husband think of all her needs? How can she pull her weight? Will the next treatment work? What will she do if it doesn’t work? Who will the next doctor be? How will she explain her history to them? Is she failing her kids? Should she just push herself harder, try harder?

But how?

There are also other questions, deep life questions. Deep faith questions. Mostly, “why?” Why this? Why now? Why me?

If she doesn’t care for her emotional, mental, and spiritual health, she will lose the ability to care well for her physical health. Her relationships will suffer, her faith will suffer, her health will suffer.

This girl was me. Maybe this girl is you. Statistically, this girl is someone you know.

And that’s why we started the Diamonds conference. To care for this woman’s mental, emotional, and spiritual health. To care for yours.

As we approach the 5th-year anniversary of the Diamonds conference, we have had some staff roles open up, and we are looking for like-minded people to serve the chronic illness community alongside us. Some of the roles include:

  • Website designer
  • Email content writer
  • Assistant street team manager
  • Assistant sponsorship coordinator
  • Assistant email manager
  • Community assistant
  • Beta readers


If this is you, apply below, or respond to me with your questions!

Click here to apply for Diamonds Conference staff.

“​​Working on the Diamonds Staff has been a blessing to me, not only because of the fellowship with those who “get it”, but also working toward a common goal with those same people. I have learned how to better work with a team, and seen how God can work through broken people to further His kingdom.”

Diamonds Staff Member