by Sara | Nov 5, 2024 | Living With Health Challenges, Loving Someone With Health Challenges
I paced circles on the tile as I listened to my friend Susana explain the struggles weighing her down. Cautiously, she asked me, “Have you ever experienced the same thing?” I laughed. “Oh girl! You are not alone.” And I began to share something I had told only...
by Sara | Aug 19, 2024 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Living With Health Challenges
The brake lights flashed and they swerved. So did we. But too late. I can still hear the crunch. I looked at my husband. “It’s okay. We’re okay. Just pull to the side of the road.” He shook his head. “I can’t. It won’t go.” That day, a dozen...
by Sara | Dec 18, 2023 | Living With Health Challenges, Loving Someone With Health Challenges
I was used to being the new kid, but this was untrod territory. With five moves under my belt by the time I was fifteen, I thought I’d become an expert in building quick friendships (and adopting grandparents everywhere). The library and church were go-to places to...
by Sara | Jun 23, 2023 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Living With Health Challenges
Put your hand up if you’re tired. Actually, don’t, that takes energy. But do any of these apply to you? -You’re exhausted -You don’t know how to rest emotionally -You feel guilty for resting -You don’t think you’re productive enough -You’re chronically ill...
by Sara | May 27, 2023 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Living With Health Challenges, Uncategorized
Dear Warrior, I sat on my floor, frustration bringing tears to my eyes. I was trying. I was trying so, so hard, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t make my body do all the things I wanted to do. I kept pushing, but extra energy refused to magically appear. I took more...
by Sara | Mar 15, 2023 | Faith in God in Chronic Illness, Guest Writers, Living With Health Challenges
When a New Year Holds Old Struggles Guidance from 2 Peter for a Fruitful, Faithful Walk The turning of a calendar page doesn’t automatically infuse fresh hope, especially for those waking up to the same trials as last year. For many, the new year was ushered in with...